What your social media says about you by MRL Trinidad

We live in a technological age where information can be found at the touch of a button. Search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo make almost anything virtually searchable… so how does this affect you, the potential employee/business professional?

Think about it, how many times have you used Facebook or WhatsApp to search someone? An ex or a long lost friend? Then you find yourself scrolling through their profile, sifting through every bit of their virtual lives?

Beware because believe it or not, your employer does this as well.

Most businesses are familiar with Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Skype and LinkedIn, just to name a few. At times, your social media profiles may become linked with your job. Your vary name or contact information can lead others to your personal social media sites. People can search you just out of curiosity.

Keeping this in mind, what type of photos or comments do you post? What type of videos, songs or messages do you allow? What type of language do you use? The things you post can either cast you in a positive or negative light.

Social Media in this day and age forms part of your Professional Image. So what are you really saying about yourself if you post an image promoting gun violence or one where you are scantily clad?

Our suggestions? If you know that your social media profiles can land you in trouble, opt to use that option in settings called “PRIVATIZE” which can limit what others discover about you.

Helpful tip? Create a strictly professional social media profile if necessary.

About MRL

MRL is a management consulting firm based in Chaguanas, Trinidad that specializes in Industrial Relations, Expatriate Management, Payroll and Tax services, Contract Labour and Recruitment services.

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The Management Resource Ltd
366 Central Avenue,
Lange Park, Chaguanas.
Trinidad West Indies
[email protected]