Uploading Your Résumé by MRL Trinidad

  1. Make sure to include your name and contact information on the résumé itself. It is not enough to rely on the name and contact fields when uploading.

When dealing with hundreds of applications, recruiters are not going to search through all applications to find yours alone. Without your name or contact on the actual document, you reduce your chances of getting that call.

  1. When saving your Word Document, avoid renaming it “Doc”, “Doc1”, “Resume1”, or “New Resume 2016”
  2. Make your application searchable by renaming the document after yourself. This can be done in one of three ways:

(i) Name alone, e.g. “Jane Doe”

(ii) Name inclusive of position applying for, e.g. “Jane Doe, Marketing and Sales Manager”

(iii) Name inclusive of academic degree/certificate level, e.g. “Jane Doe, BSc Management Studies.”

  1. Make sure your résumé is UPDATED. Do not use the same application from 2012. This leaves gaps in your work history and professional developments.

These formats help the recruiting officer correctly search and archive your application in the correct category and application portfolio.

About MRL

MRL is a management consulting firm based in Chaguanas, Trinidad that specializes in Industrial Relations, Expatriate Management, Payroll and Tax services, Contract Labour and Recruitment services.

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The Management Resource Ltd
366 Central Avenue,
Lange Park, Chaguanas.
Trinidad West Indies
[email protected]