Work can be a stressful thing. Weather it’s an office job where you sit all day or a fast-paced environment where you’re constantly on your feet, sometimes there just isn’t enough time to concentrate on “you”.
Remember that you are your most important asset so here are some tips you can follow to maintain and improve your physical and mental health.
- Have a good breakfast. There is truth behind the saying “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. Having a filling and nutritionally balanced breakfast improves your mood, energy and concentration.
- Take a breather. Take a moment to relax. A five minute break will help your mind relax and wind down. Try listening to soothing music on your break to relieve stress.
- Take a walk. Not too far though. At times, performing monotonous tasks can potentially place you in a state of fatigue. A five minute walk adds a burst of oxygen to your blood and in turn the brain.
- Drink lots of water. Like walking, water does has the same effect with the added benefit of hydration. Your body is mostly comprised of water and even the most menial of tasks depletes your water reserves. A body starved of water starves the brain of the ability to concentrate.
- Add vitamins. Boost your immune system with supplements or just straight up fruits and vegetables.
- Sleep a little more… Some of you may love this one until we tell you to cut out the social media…. yes, you heard correct. The amount of time you spend on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Snapchat and YouTube (plus the millions of others), can be used for added rest. You will feel more energized in the morning. So remember to tell Bill from Skype ttyl.